Online Writing Courses Deliver Competitive Advantage


Competition is tough everywhere. A sputtering U.S. economy makes it difficult for individuals to gain employment or earn grants . Companies face daunting competition for a decreased number of contracts in many industries. And organizations that rely on grants for research or operational costs try everything to stand out in a crowded space.

Know what would help everyone reach their goals – individuals , businesses , and organizations ? Improved writing. It really is that simple, and it really is achievable.

Writing helps!
Clear writing guides readers to the actions you want them to take. Regardless of whether you have an entire team working on a grant proposal or you alone are responsible for creating your department’s SOPs , a streamlined approach to the process will make the final product more consistent and easier to understand. Better documents will make you or your business or organization stand out and reach those desired goals.

Writing skills can be learned!
Hurley Write, Inc. makes it easy for you or your group to sharpen writing skills. Online writing courses for individuals or groups are flexible for any schedule. Participants can mix and match course modules to create a customized program, and companies can license courses to make them available to employees as needed. And all online course participants have access to a personal editor.

Large companies can also consider corporate onsite training to streamline the writing practices of entire departments. Hurley Write uses a unique approach to develop a customized curriculum based on the documents your firm writes produce. If the onsite option doesn’t fit your company’s needs, we offer corporate SCORM-conformant online training and customized webinars.

We have options to fit nearly every schedule and need. Don’t worry about the scheduling; concentrate on making your individual, technical, and business writing more effective — and improving your prospects.